Author: shany

Elephants and bees

Elephants and Bees Elephants are one of the biggest wonders on our planet. Weighing between 3-to-4-ton Asian elephants eat over 150 kg of vegetation a day. As wildlife habitats are continuously shrinking and cultivated lands are pushing closer to the borders of protected areas, elephants enter crop fields in the search of food. The damage […]

Pigs in an MRI ‎

Saturday nights training pigs in an MRI scanner MRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a noninvasive imaging technology commonly used in research to observe the brain’s reaction to stimuli. The MRI scanner is very noisy and requires the subject to remain perfectly still, as every slight movement will distort the image. Because of this, traditional […]

Working dogs and world championships ‎

From working dogs and world championships to training animals for research purposes ‎ I served two years at the Israeli Police in the dog handler unit. My main goal was to raise and train young puppies to serve as scent detection and protection dogs. Puppies of good working dogs are like rough diamonds. The goal […]

Can rabbits fly faster than fish?

Can rabbits fly faster than fish? What does measuring intelligence have to do with the way we train our dogs? By Shany Dror Who do you think is smarter, a cat or a dog? Is this all-important? how does it affect the way we behave with our dogs? Keep reading to find out. Did you […]

How dogs can help solve the mystery of language

How dogs can help solve mystery of language By Shany Dror At this very moment, you’re doing something remarkable. Something no other species can do, and you’re doing it so easily you are barely noticing it. Have you figured it out yet?  Yes, you are reading. You are using Language. Language is arguably man’s greatest […]

If whales have accents, can monkeys talk?

If whales have accents, can monkeys talk? By Shany Dror Did you too dreamed to be like Dr. Doolittle and talk with animals? What would that language be like? Then, this blog is for you! Wild “language” Communication in the animal kingdom takes on many on many shapes and forms, and is often highly sophisticated. […]

Lab Dogs – not what you thought

Lab Dogs – not what you thought By Shany Dror Ethology, you might have heard the word before but you are still not sure what that means? And dog science? What does your fluffy have to do with science at all? Keep reading and we will answer these questions. So, what is ethology? Ethology is […]

The First Genius Dogs (2nd part)‎

The First Gifted Dog (2nd part) By Shany Dror What does the word “ball” mean to a dog? Does he understand it the same way we do? Dogs with an extensive vocabulary of object names, or as we call them, Genius Dogs, can help us answer this question.   In last week’s article we reviewed […]

The First Gifted Dogs (1st part)

The First Gifted Dog By Shany Dror In this article we will review some of the world’s most  dogs, and their contribution to science. We will also use the example of “fast mapping” to show how the scientific path turns and twists when old findings are observed under a new light. The first gifted Dog […]